Use These Three Tips For A Successful SSDI Claim

When you are seeking Social Security Disability Insurance, also called disability benefits or simply SSDI, it might seem like a straightforward process at first. However, even small mistakes can cause your case to drag out and errors that you make could result in a delay or denial of benefits. To avoid this, use the following tips to make sure that your claim is a success.

Don't Wait Too Long to File

Because the Social Security Administration (SSA) only approves claims for those who plan to be out of work for longer than a year due to their disability, you may think it's a good idea to wait that long before filing any paperwork at all. However, that only delays your benefits.

Instead, you can start the process now. First, write or call the Social Security Administration to tell them that you are filing an application for benefits. They will provide you with a protective filing date. If you are ultimately approved for benefits, this filing date may help you to collect retroactive benefits as well.

Avoid Filing for Unemployment

While you wait for your disability claim to be processed, because you are unable to work, you might think about filing for unemployment so that you can have money coming in while you wait. That can be a mistake that causes your SSDI application to be denied. Unemployment benefits are for those who are searching for work but unable to find it; if you file papers for that and then claim on your SSDI forms that you are disabled and unable to work, the SSA may assume you are lying and deny your SSDI claim.

Notify the SSA if You Aren't Following Doctor's Treatment Plan

You may have seen a doctor about your disability but have not followed their directions about how to treat your condition. For instance, your doctor may have directed you to wear a neck brace or have a certain procedure done. The SSA may consider your noncompliance to be a sign that you are not as sick as you claim to be and deny your application.

If you have a legitimate reason for not following your doctor's directions, such as religious restrictions or inability to afford the treatment, notify the SSA so that they do not penalize you.

Now that you're aware of some of the things you can do to increase your chances of a successful SSDI claim, be sure to use the information in this article to help you. Work very closely with a social security disability lawyer, such as Michael P Boyle, to ensure that you navigate the process smoothly and do everything necessary to get the benefits you need.
